Fracking is a method used to extract natural gas and oil. To extract the gas and oil a drill is drilled into the Earth's crust where "there are deposits of shale gas and oil that the more usual methods of extraction have not usually been able to reach." A high pressure water mixture made up of water, sand and other chemicals is injected into the gas filled rocks. This mixture causes the rocks to break. The rocks are then held open and the gas escapes. "It slowly makes its way up to the surface where it is collected carefully and stored."
According to the Conserve-energy-future article there are both pros and cons to oil fracking. First, lets look at the pros.
1.) Access to more oil and gas(that's a given)
2.) Lower taxes
3.) Better air quality
4.) More jobs
While these pros are all true, I don't think that they overpower the cons.
1.) Increased water pollution
2.) An increase in droughts
3.) An increase in noise pollution
4.) Increase in toxins
5.) Nature of mixture used
To see an in depth explanation of each pro and con check out the Conserve-energy-future article I read. I'll link it at the end of this article.
There are other ways to obtain oil and gas without drilling into the earth's crust. This not only ruins our earth, but causes numerous health risks. We need to stop hurting our environment so we can heal it.
Conserve-energy-future article:
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