I ordered a pair of shoes from Zappos and opened my door Thursday afternoon to find a box sitting on my front steps. I took it inside and cut it open to not only find my new pair of shoes but to see that Zappos has changed their box. I examined the different ways the pattern twists and turns directing you on how to change the box into a creative master piece. I decided to do some more research on their new design because it seemed like more than just a marketing ploy.
Zappos has an entire website dedicated to their new box. Before you can enter the site there is a poem for you to read. It says:
"I solemnly swear to:
Think twice and get really creative...
By building and tearing and staying elated.
With my cardboard, my creation will surely inspire...
Myself to discover my life's biggest desires.
I promise to open up and look inside...
To see myself and the world with a fresh set of eyes.
This will remind me to dream and never fear to explore...
This box, after all, is so much more.
I will share this at least once or, if desired, a lot...
So the world, together, can say #imnotabox."
In order to enter the site you have to click one of two options. Either "I agree whole heartedly" or "no way, I'm definitely a box." I chose the first option.
That opened up the portal to find out more about Zappos new campaign.
"Whether it's providing shoes to cushion your baby's first steps, protecting those feet for your very first marathon, or dressing you in a stunning outfit for your first date--there is one thing that connects all of these moments: our Zappos box."
The new Zappos box is allowing you to express your creativity.
The about page ended with this paragraph that basically sums up what life is all about:
"It's time to unleash your creativity and uniqueness for good and reintroduce it to the world. We want you in the end to say, I'm not a box."
Zappos I'm Not A Box: http://www.imnotabox.com/
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