Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Conservation International: The Oceans

I was looking up different articles and facts on the ocean, and I came across Conservation International. Conservation International studies and measures the oceans as well as creating new models of ocean management.

"The ocean makes life on Earth possible. It nourishes our bodies and our souls. It influences our weather, fuels economies and connects distant lands. It is vast, deep, powerful and mysterious. And it's in trouble."

Conservation International brought up a good point. The ocean creates jobs for many people, through fishing, shopping and tourism.

The ocean provides 50% of Earth's oxygen and is a major part of the water cycle.

We have begun to take out more fish out of the ocean than the ocean can provide for us. Fishermen use nets to go down to the ocean floor or cut fins off of sharks. "Around 30% of the world's fisheries are overexploited or depleted."

"Coastal forests, tidal marshes and other shoreline ecosystems are Earth's carbon sponges. Nearly one-third of coastal regions have already been ruined."

The ocean helps keep our climate stable by absorbing carbon dioxide. The ocean has begun to absorb too much heat and carbon dioxide. This is causing the ocean to become warmer and more acidic. "Already, 75% of coral reefs- vital fish spawning grounds and barriers against storms- are in danger of dissolving or dying out."

Rivers run into the ocean, but they are filled with pollutants. There are "dead zones" in the ocean where nothing is able to live because the chemicals lurking suck up all of the oxygen.

Conservation International works with over 20 nations "to manage an area of sea the size of the moon. We also work to end destructive fishing practices- like trawling, shark finning and overfishing- so that fish stay in our ocean for generations."

Conservation International: http://www.conservation.org/what/pages/oceans.aspx

Nature Is Speaking: The Ocean: http://www.conservation.org/nature-is-speaking/Pages/Harrison-Ford-Is-the-Ocean.aspx

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