Thursday, July 28, 2016

How To Have The Perfect Beach Day

The beach is a care free, laughter filled, sand in your shoes and leave your hair natural kind of place. You don't need to dress up or put on your best dress shoes. All you need is a good beach towel, an interesting book and a retro pair of shades. You can spend your day in the sun and let the rays beam down on you until you're a nice shade of golden brown. You can walk around and venture into the little shops and boutiques looking for that one of a kind piece that a small corner in your apartment is missing or you can spend your day in the ocean. You can ease your way into the cold salty water and before you know it your shoulder deep into the ocean, not knowing what's below you, awaiting the adventure that the ocean brings.

To have the perfect beach day, here's what you need:

1.) A nice early start to the morning 
I'm not trying to cramp your style by setting up a schedule, but waking up with the sun is the best feeling in the world. Take your time, lay in bed, drink a nice cup of coffee, tea or if you're like me, just some plain cold water. Start your morning out with a short meditation and breathe in the warm summer air.

2.) Pack a beach bag or backpack
Bring a towel, some sunscreen, coconut oil in place of tanning oil, snacks, a book, a pair of cheap sunglasses (just in case you accidentally step or sit on them) and an extra shirt because we all know that somehow the clothes you come to the beach in will end up getting soaked, filled with sand or stained with sunscreen.

3.) Walk around the town
Every beach town has cool stores and restaurants that are often unique to that specific area. Venture away from the beach for a while and peak into the boutiques and small stores. Rent a bike or skateboard and ride around town.

4.) Stay till dark
If you're having a beach day, you might as well turn it into a beach night. Get a bon fire going, roast some marshmallows, play some music and tell stories with your friends and family. The beach at night is so calming and relaxing.

The beach is one of my favorite places. You can walk along the bike path, surf, play volleyball or lay on your beach towel all day sipping on lemonade and snacking on cherries.

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