Could this years Summer Olympics be the last? CNN came out with an article titled Will Climate Change Stop The Summer Olympics? The article explained that "only eight cities outside of Western Europe would be viable places to host the Games by 2085, according to a new study in The Lancet."
The article in The Lancet explained that "increasing restrictions on when, where and how the Games can be held owing to extreme heat are a sign of a much bigger problem."
Other cities around the world with higher temperatures would have to cancel outdoor events.
UC Berkeley professor Kirk Smith said "if you're going to be spending billions of dollars to host an event, you're going to want have a level of certainty that you're not going to have to cancel it at the last minute."
This year around 70% of the athletes finished the U.S. Olympic Marathon Team Trials in Los Angeles where the temperatures were the highest on record. According to the new study endurance events would be the "first casualty of higher temperatures-they require a lot of space, so they're usually held outside." The study used temperatures and humidity to "predict in which cities it would be the most risky to host the Summer Games outdoors using the marathon as a test case."
The study focused on cities in the Northern Hemisphere because it's home to 90% of the population.
Climate Change has been seeping deeper and deeper into our thoughts, into our news outlets and now into our Olympic games. It's time to make a change in how we view the Earth. It's important that we all make an effort to make a positive change in the Environment.
CNN Article Will Climate Change Stop The Summer Olympics?:
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