I was scanning through my usual news outlets this morning when I came across an article in The Guardian about diesel cars without pollution filter's driving on our roads. As a lover of cars and the environment, this was a hard pill to swallow. Imagine a 1,000 cars or more that don't have the proper filter's in them cruising down your block, polluting the air you breathe. I'll link the full article at the end of this post in case you're interested in the details. The article got me thinking about my own car. Yes, my car has the proper filter's needed, but its not electric and I still need to fill her up with gas in order to get to my destination. That led me to look up yet another article titled Netherlands look to ban all non-electric cars by 2025 which explained that the Netherlands wants to pass a law that stops nonelectric cars from being on the road. I think there are many advantages to electric vehicles. They're quiet and fast. You can also plug in your car almost anywhere now a days. Of course, there are always cons to any set of pros. It does take longer to refuel and they are more expensive.
I am a big fan of Elon Musk. I can even see his book sitting on my shelf from the corner of my eye while writing this blog post. His latest car, the Tesla Model 3 is his most affordable car so far. I did some research so I didn't sound like I was talking out of my you know what while explaining the beauty of Tesla Motors. According to the information on the Tesla website, the new Model 3 can get up to 215 miles per charge, can seat five adults and is $35,000. If you're looking for a new environmentally friendly car, check out the new Tesla. It's a great car with a sleek design. No, I'm not getting paid to say this, I'm just a big fan of Elon Musk.
Articles mentioned:
Diesel cars without pollution filter: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/apr/17/diesel-particulate-filter-removal-air-pollution-department-for-transport
Netherlands plan to ban nonelectric cars: http://www.csmonitor.com/Environment/2016/0414/Netherlands-looks-to-ban-all-non-electric-cars-by-2025
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