Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Grow Your Garden With EcoScraps

One of my passion's is nature and the environment. If you couldn't tell already, I am a big believer in helping our planet in anyway we can, so that we don't have to move to Mars in 30 years. I am constantly looking up documentaries and articles on how people are using the resources around them to help the environment. EcoScraps  is a company that takes wasted food from restaurants and converts them into all natural garden products. They recycle unwanted food into soil and fertilizer that will help your plants grow.
Co-founders Daniel Blake and Craig Martineau created their company after eating at a buffet and seeing all of the food that was being wasted and thrown out. They found a way to put wasted food to good use. If I had a garden, I would use their products to ensure that my plants would be healthy and strong. If you're thinking, "why would I want used food in my soil?" Keep in mind that you're helping the environment when using EcoScraps products. They have specific soils, plant food and fertilizers for different types of plants and gardens. EcoScraps slogan is "grow gardens, not landfills." This should be everyone's slogan.

At the bottom of the EcoScraps about page there were some important facts about food waste that I thought would be helpful to share with you:
  • "68% of all salad grown for bagged salads ends up wasted."
  • "40% of apples end up as food waste."
  • "A quarter of grapes are wasted between the vine and the fruit bowl."
  • "A fifth of all bananas are wasted and one in ten bananas bought by customers end up in a bin."
Almost all of the food waste listed above starts at home.

They have a great video explaining what Ecoscraps is. I'll link it down below.

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