Saturday, April 30, 2016

The History of Kundalini Yoga

When I started yoga three in a half years ago, I bought books and read articles about Kundalini Yoga and Yogi Bhajan. I wanted to share with you the history of Kundalini Yoga and how it was brought to the United States. Educating myself on the origins of Kundalini Yoga helped me understand and amerce myself in the concepts and ideas of Yogi Bhajan.

I practice Kundalini Yoga. No one knows exactly when yoga was created, but records date back to over 5,000 years ago from the cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa in India. "The spirit-body connection is the foundation of yoga."
There are many different types of yoga. There is Bikram, which is more of a workout and Jivamukti which puts an emphasis on meditation. Kundalini Yoga is both physical and spiritual. "Kundalini class can be a good workout, but its teachers and students participate in each kriya with a quiet reverence more akin to a temple than a gym." I love Kundalini Yoga because you can strengthen your muscles while strengthening your mind.

The purpose of Kundalini yoga is to "help people actualize their Higher Self." "Kundalini" literally means "coiled snake." Early Eastern religion believe that each person had a sacred energy at the base of the spine. You were believed to be born with this energy, but you need to make an effort to uncoil it. "Kundalini Yoga is the practice of awakening our Higher Self and turning potential energy into kinetic energy." Yoga is a spirit-body connection. Before yoga became known as a type of exercise, it was known as a "direct connection with Braham, the God-like spirit within us."

Without Yogi Bhajan, the United States would still not know about Kundalini Yoga. He visited California in the late 1960s and witnessed the hippie cultural revolution. Many of the principles and concepts that were apart of the hippie community was similar to his Sikh upbringing. Yogi Bhajan believed that America wanted to experience God, but was doing it all wrong by using drugs to try and get there. He knew that teaching outside the Indian lineage was not allowed, but during a meditation on a trip to L.A. in 1968, he had a vision that combined spirituality, ancient knowledge and modern practicality. Yogi Bhajan decided to teach Kundalini yoga to the west stating "It is everyone’s birthright to be healthy, happy, and holy, and the practice of Kundalini Yoga is the way to claim that birthright.” In the next two years he would develop the 3HO, standing for Healthy, Happy and Holy Organization Foundation and the Kundalini Research Insititute.

Yogi Bhajan taught over 8,000 Kundalini Yoga classes and created the first teacher training program in 1969. He trained thousands of yogis. "Several of his students, including Gurmukh Kaur, went on to launch their own yoga studios, and many Kundalini classes around the world today are taught by yogis who trained directly under him." 

Yogi Bhajan wrote many books, established International Peace Prayer Day and worked with international governments to bring peace to world affairs. He believed that "we each have a responsibility to better society through mindfulness and compassion, and he dedicated his life to making his vision of practical spirituality a reality." After he passed away, the U.S. Congress passed a "bipartisan resolution honoring his contributions to the world.

I have more than a love for Kundalini Yoga. If you're thinking about starting your yoga journey, I urge you to try Kundalini Yoga. 

Sat Nam

The website I found my info from:

This site was not only informative, but had a great sense of humor. It explains the history of Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini terminology, techniques, and offers Kundalini Yoga studio locations in nine different states.

Here are a couple books that I've read on Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini Yoga:

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

The Mind: Its Projections and Multiple Facets:

Original Light: The Morning Practice of Kundalini Yoga:

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